Hello, my name is Nahshon Emerson Jeremiah. I am 21 years old and a talented Grenadian artist from the small village of Dudmar in St. David’s. My soulful artistic journey into the world of art started from an early age. The intense desire to become an artist, when verbally expressed was met with the most discouraging response “There is no way you can make a good living being a full time artist inGrenada”. This statement challenged and motivated me to prove the naysayers wrong! I strived through many obstacles of doubt, disappointment and discouragement. I am stronger in my convictions and I have a bright future ahead of me.
My artistic capabilities specialize along the portfolio of landscaping, still life paintings, educative art pieces and realistic, life like portraits. Growing up with artistic parents- proved to be fertile soil in which my desire to become an artist grew. I was exposed to the arts from the tender age of two years old. I began with pages of artwork scribbled with crayons and markers. When I became a teenager, my art skills became sharper and more defined. I felt as if I had reached the pinnacle of “being an artist” however, there was that inner feeling- my art was missing something. I longed to create a visual virtualization realness to my creations. I wanted people to see and feel it popping off the paper. It was then I discovered Bob Ross. My greatest role model in the world of art. His artistic pieces inspired me to dig deeper, reveal and visualize the inner greatness of my art pieces. I have always had a keen eye for color as an artist. I have since created many colorful tropical inspired paintings.
From 2009 to date, I have sold over 150 original art pieces. The interest in my passion by others has been overwhelming. I love the ideas of art being fun, that makes me extremely happy. I began my full time career as an artist in 2009. I have worked for two art galleries prior to branching off on my own. I am currently working on a daily basis, in my art studio at the arts and craft center in St. George’s. I also teach art to young aspiring artist. My dream is to open an online gallery to offer a constant array of artistic pieces that are unique and heartfelt. Inclusive of shirts, hats, handcrafted frames and original paintings. Having my own art studio allows me the opportunity to be creative daily. I can bloom and be freely expressive. I love what I do. To aspiring artist, my advice would be ” Don’t be afraid to take the risk, never stop painting, never stop experimenting your creative talents. Be unique. My daily motivation is to create art on a whole new level. Art wasn’t always my passion. I wanted to be a scientist- to invent things. Art found me, Art lives in me…so I guess- I am a scientist of sorts. I am Nahshon E. Jeremiah. I am an artist and#IAMGRENADIAN.
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