As we reflect on the two years of living through the covid-19 pandemic it has been a struggle for many of us, from losing friends, loved ones, jobs etc. It is through difficult times we find out how strong we are, who your true and loyal friends, colleagues and family really are. We would have had to overcome many obstacles on our way throughout our lives and more so with having to live in a fluid pandemic situation.
There is a saying that, your vibe attracts your tribe, but it is only true to an extent. No man is an island, and we all need someone along the way who may be outside of that tribe. Sometimes the problems are that our support systems, friends, family, partners, colleagues are all fighting their own battles and may not always be available to help us or others who are in need. Despite this, one still needs to be supportive, encouraging and understanding when reaching out to others for support; it can be more difficult when reaching out to friends, family, or colleagues, and they are not available. Despite the difficulties we all may face, those who seeking help might be in a worse situation, so we all need to supports each other regardless of how small that support may be, particularly as life is journey, we all have to travel together. The path (s) we take might be different, but the destination is the same where there is room for all.
On our journeys through life, we all seek success. Friends or foe who accomplish a lifelong goal should be a moment of happiness for all and be celebrated. Avoid jealousness, selfishness, vengefulness, or hatefulness towards others—do not block their progress, or try to sabotage their growth through lies, manipulation, deception, or assassination of their character. Thus, knowing and understanding your desire and how it will be fulfilled through life is important. It is always a good thing to help each other along the way as long as you are in the position to do so. Note not everyone is meant to be in our lives forever, ascertain that there can be and there is happiness in every situation, and one may not always be able to connect the dots looking forward but only when looking back.
In this life you may not always be sure of who to trust, but whatever you do be helpful and genuine to others. Generosity is its own form of power! Be thoughtful when setting goals, set boundaries so that you have clear outcomes of what can easily be achieved. And while we may want to help others accomplish their goals, we must all bear in mind the dream is free, but the journey is not and it’s easier for us to push ourselves when we have people rooting for us. If you cannot help in the moment reach out to your network, share contacts information with colleagues, help promote their business, (word of mouth or through your social media) encourage them etc., do whatever you can do to support others, but not by hurting anyone else in the process.
As I reflect on my own life and journey, I am forever grateful, and I appreciate and value those who have not been threatened by my success and accomplishments and have been very supportive and has given me constructive criticism when it was needed and important to do so. Thanks for your encouragement and support every step of the way. If you are lucky to have a circle that supports you, encourage you, and pushed you to be the best version of yourself hang on to them no matter what! As they truly understand there’s room at the top for everyone.
To all my friends, family and network connections who are doing well in your careers and personal lives, I say congratulations and job well done, I see you queens and kings! We are all proud of your hard work and dedication and commitments and sacrifices. Sometimes as family and friends, we do not see all you gave up to be where you are; however, we can’t wait to see what you do next and how much further you can to go!
To my friends, family, and colleagues, if you are not exactly where you need to be, keep learning, growing, and pushing forward, dig a little deeper you will get where you want to go. I see you too queens and kings and I know you are doing your best! No matter how daunting your life, career, or whatever tasks or projects you are undertaking, by trying consistently and giving it your best, all together with a strong support system you have the opportunity to succeed. Do not give up and DO NOT compare yourself to anyone, you are not that person. If you, do you are only insulting yourselves as a comparison is a thief of joy! The world’s a stage, and the competition is fierce, but I fully and firmly believe there is enough room at the top for everyone!
Happy New Year and a prosperous 2022.