Kanesha Dunnaliz Commodore works at the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) Secretariat in Georgetown Guyana. She is a Project Officer in the Conference Services Department.
My name is Kanesha Dunnaliz Commodore and at present, my days are spent at the Headquarters of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) Secretariat in Georgetown Guyana. I work as a Project Officer in the Conference Services Department, contributing to the regional integration movement by performing rapporteurial duties and translating documents written in French or Spanish into English.
Growing up I always loved writing and language, and now I have an opportunity to put that passion to use, combined with a Bachelor’s Degree in Languages earned in Puebla México at La Universidad Interamericana. I was fortunate to be awarded a scholarship from the Organization of American States to earn my Degree and live in Mexico for almost 5 years. Because of that experience, I will always encourage persons to grab the opportunities that come your way, they may just change your life.
Before working at the CARICOM Secretariat I had occasion to work as a Foreign Service Officer in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Grenada and as a Secondary School Teacher at the St. Andrew’s Anglican Secondary School and St. Joseph’s Convent St. Andrew. I thoroughly enjoyed my stint as a teacher and I look forward to the opportunity to work with young minds again.
I credit my family and the wonderful teachers and mentors I had, at St. Joseph’s Convent St. Andrew and the St. Andrew’s R.C School, for who I am and for what I have accomplished thus far.
Fun fact about me I worked in China for 7 months at the Grenada booth at the CARICOM Joint Pavillion at the World Expo Shanghai in 2010.