The 400 meters finals is over and both Kirani James and Bralon did a great job and represented Grenada Carriacou and Petite Martinique very well. We are very proud of them and Grenadians all over have been sharing their love and support all over social media and we wanted to share some of the love with you.
So proud of this amazing achievement. #gokirani #gogrenada #kiranijames #RioOlympics2016
— Go Grenada (@gogrenada) August 16, 2016
Congrats #BralonTaplin and #KiraniJames on being part of an epic Olympic Finals run. You did us proud and are true Grenadian heros. #Rio2016
— Grenada News (@grenadanews) August 15, 2016
Kirani James received his silver medal at the medal ceremony for the Men's 400m! We are so proud!#FlowToRio #GRN
— FLOW Grenada (@FLOWGrenada) August 15, 2016